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On 26 April 1937, Nazi German and Italian bombers attacked the Basque city of Guernica. Over the course of three hours, they destroyed three-quarters of the ancient town, killing and wounding hundreds. The raid was “unparalleled in military history”, according to reports at the time – and it inspired one of the most famous anti-war paintings in history: THE GUERNICA

ACTIVITY 1.   Watch the video and answer the quizz.

help spain.jpg

Another famous piece of the Spanish Civil War is the propaganda designed by Miró AIdez l'Espagne. It was first designed as a stamp to help the Republican Government . If you choose Option 1 you are an artist because you have to make a propaganda poster for the Republicans. Watch carefully different posters to include important elements and colours. I include some examples below.


ACTIVITY 2:  DESIGN A REPUBLICAN PROPAGANDA POSTER. When you finish your poster, take a photo of it and send it to me at

ACTIVITY 3: WAR QUOTES Read the quotes and answer the quizz.


Margaret Attwood

John Lennon


Eleanor Roosevelt

Mark Twain


"No one won the last war, and no one will win the next war"

"War is what happens when language falls"

“It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace.”

"God created war so that Americans would learn geography"

"War is over... if you want it"

Click on REPORTED SPEECH to watch the videos and explanation. When you understand it, write in reported speech the war quotes included in the following quizz.

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